Tuesday, December 15, 2015

In Loving Memory of Karen Copeland "Dubby"...


It is with extreme sadness and ultimate relief that we write to let you know that Karen Copeland (Dubby) died at 12:45pm on 14th December 2015 at the Elizabeth Bruyere Hospital, Palliative Care Unit in Ottawa.  Judy F was with her through her six week journey and there as she departed for her next adventure.  As you all will know, Karen had many goals.  She reached a major one on Tuesday 8th December when she celebrated her 70th Birthday.  On that day, strong medication began to work and she was relieved of the extreme pain from liver cancer she had endured during the previous two or three weeks.  She is now free of "the shell" that had so let her down and free from her intense pain.  Never for the faint of heart is this final process.  
            The next "Karen Mission" must now be addressed. 

On behalf of Karen, we urge all who advocate for CCSVI, Lyme and the many injustices that Karen fought for and against, to add one more fight to your list.  For everyone who believes, as Karen did, that the right to Die with Dignity is a decision that should be made by an individual, not the Government, please make every effort to support a person's right to choose how and when to die.  As it is an ongoing discussion in Canada, please let your voice be heard and follow Karen in this cause to bring this law into force with no restrictions if it is an individual's wish.  Karen would encourage all who agree to get behind this movement and to fight for this right in Canada.  Karen did not have time to follow through with this, but so many of us left behind do.
                                                                         One last message from Karen!  
                                                        Never lose your sense of humour and your wit.


  1. RIP Karen knowing your friends and acquaintances will carry forward your battle for the right to choose to Die with Dignity. Enjoy donning your angel wings and FLY FREE without pain and suffering.
    Mar Jefferies

  2. Sad to see you go, my friend, but relieved that you are now pain-free. On to your next adventure with your everlasting wit and zest. You will be missed, Karen.
    Amy Preston

  3. So sorry to have lost a beautiful warrior. Rest in peace.
    Lauri Leach

  4. Karen was a gracious, helpful, and had a special wit about her. She was always willing to help. She graciously gave me help to proof read an article I had written for my Mom's funeral, which I will never forget. I have lost some English skills due to Lyme, but Karen stepped up and helped me with the ology.

    I can only hope that she is finally at peace free of pain. Rest in peace sweet lady. I hope to see you again.

  5. You are finally free. Enjoy your new adventure. I really appreciated your sense of humour,you inspired me. See you in the future.


  6. Karen posted on Facebook almost daily before her illness. She was witty, brilliant and did not hold anything back. I first met her at the CCSVI rally in Ottawa in 2010. I felt I had some things in common with her, we both worked as nursing assistants in Nova Scotia (same hospital) decades ago when times were different. I could relate to some of the things she went through. She was forthright in her opinions, I admired that. She stood for honesty & integrity and called out individuals whom she felt lacked it sometimes using wit. She did not have a lot of money but made do with what she had. She made friends, had a sense of humour and had the ability to laugh at herself. She could make difficult situations funny but always faced them courageously. Karen I will miss you.

  7. a very clever lady with an incisive biting wit - I loved reading her posts on CCSVI locator - she was very well informed about the difficulties people with MS have about accessing vascular care and the disgusting reasons for us being denied that care - thank you Karen - you helped inspire me to get involved in our fight x

  8. You will be sorely missed Karen, thank you for all you did, may you rest in peace now :(

  9. I always enjoyed messaging with Karen. She suffered so much yet she always came through like a warrior, with heart and passion, never feeling sorry for herself. The world has one less gem in it. RIP dear Lady.

  10. Another warrior joins the stars above... We will work hard to keep your flame lit here below Karen. Your work will continue, and none of it will ever be in vain. xxx

  11. Rest In Peace my dear. Your fight is over and it was a good fight. I'm really going to miss our phone conversations. Heck, I do already.

  12. I only knew her through social media but respected her spirited comments. She inspired many fellow MS Warriors to speak out. We won't forget.

  13. When I first went on Facebook this morning, the first thing I saw this approach thing about your passing away. It was a shock even though I know you were preparing yourself. You were and are still an inspiration to all of us. Your strength could shame the strongest individual ever. You are now resting peacefully in the arms of Goddess, and I know you would be looking down upon us with love and pride. I'd also think that you would be saying stop being so silly, I am fine and I'm where I'm supposed to be. Much love to you my friend and I will keep you in my heart always. ♡♡♡ Jayne Thomas

  14. Lucky, I had talked to Karen a few times over the years. Sad that I losted another friend but happy for you Karen...May you RIP. xoxo

  15. You kept me in happy stitches. Your smarts helped me understand many things. You are now pain free and among the Angels. I miss you dear Karen and until we meet again. xoxo

  16. You so often made me laugh, Karen, with your wonderful sense of humour and brilliant wit. My hope for you now is that you may Rest in Pain-free Peace. Linda Mercier

  17. R. I. P. My dear friend and neighbour, I will miss seeing your smiling face, " YOU ARE NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE ANGELS " Love Kelly

  18. She was a very inspirational and witty woman. She will be greatly missed. Vanda

  19. Blessings and love dear Karen xx❤️❤️
    Peg Johnston xx

  20. Karen, It is with a feeling of sad, yet glad that I wish you well on your next journey. Trish will be waiting for you and both of you can help us with the causes that were a focus for you. RIP, and find comfort in knowing you will be missed by many. Bob McCallum

  21. Sis wish I could still reach you on Skype, I miss our nightly sessions, on therapies, politics, getting rid of Harper and laughs on just about anything. We didn't make it to St Petersburg...maybe in the next life. I shall always remember the hours you spent on the computer building Golf Travel Packages, and the excitement of selling the first package. then the trip through the Pilansberg Game Reserve and the giraffe that swung her long neck down to look at us through the windscreen and the baby zebra just getting his legs. I will always have the memories, you willalways have my heart.

  22. Dubby was my buddy when i was wee.....even when i took change from her purse she never yelled at me. My first Concert was with Dubs....and will always remember dancing at 466. I hope you dance Dubs. I will remember always.

  23. I met Karen through the CCSVI community online. We had much in common, and I so enjoyed talking with her on FB.

    RIP dear lady. I hope that you know that the 'CCSVI genie' isn't going back into that bottle; the research will continue! I and many others will continue to champion the DWD cause, and we will succeed.

  24. Karen I remember when I befriended you on Facebook several years ago you asked why I wanted to be your friend you said I am old and a bitch. I said I know that's why I want to be your friend . You fight for whats right. .I never meet You but I love and will miss You Happy trails ,and lets all keep fighting for what Karen believed in Your friend down south Nadine Wells

  25. So Sorry an will miss my little cousin we always were close an chated on skype an on facebook she learned me a lot on computors god bless her soul

  26. How my heart sank when I heard the news that my true virtual friend, Karen, had passed away. I had just wished her a Happy Birthday on her FB wall. Karen was a fighter who fought for the TRUTH and was always there to listen and to give advice when you needed or wanted it. I remember when I asked her to come on Patients Like Me to support the procedure for CCSVI for which I had done back in 2010. Karen was there for me and others who were getting backlash from the non-believers. I am going to miss her tremendously and hope when my time is up, that I will find her among the flock of Angels up in heaven. Rest in peace Karen.

  27. R.I.P Karen from me here in ENGLAND UK

  28. Karen I will miss joking online with you and I will be forever grateful to Jude not only for making sure we got a real hug and some giggles, but for being such a good friend to you. You were a warrior! You made a difference for CCSVI, getting people out voting in the federal election. I swear I could feel you smiling ear to ear when Justin took office. Rest my friend, but keep an eye on us, keep us on our toes. Brenda Raven

  29. In November 2009, was the birth of new community. The CCSVI community. From the get go Karen Copland, became one of the leaders, and became a household name for many of us MSers across Canada. This brave lady advocated for what she believed in to make a difference not just for herself but for all of us. She will be missed but she will always remain in our hearts as part of the history of social media that impacted the world ! You did make an impact Karen, May you RIP. Love your spirit!

  30. I hope you have found your peace Karen..Thank you for your voice in the CCSVI community. You are remembered and respected by many for your courage to "fight the good fight to the end".

    Peter, Irene, Andria

  31. I'am so sad. I keep the hope because Karen, a tracé le chemin... for Ms's and CCSVI causes in Canada. The victory day is near Karen it's thanks to you....you made a difference for CCSVI communauty. Thank you for all with love dear and brave Karen. To family's Karen, be couragous.... Now she watches over us...her new mission. Warmly, Roxanne McMurray from Quebec province. xxx

  32. I am very sad that Karen is gone, but at this same time I know she is in a better place and free of pain and "limitations". My heart is with those she left behind.
    She was a "worrier" and stood for justice for all when it came to access to any medical treatment or medical choice. Let's hope she will be heard by those who limits our freedom, and they will do the right thing by all of us.
    Thank you for your advocacy and your persistence!
    One who had CCSVI done!!! JenMach.
