Friday, April 10, 2015

In Loving Memory of Thomas James Hughes...

Funeral Information:

Born: April 26, 1949 in Ottawa, Ontario
Passed: March 31, 2015 in Ottawa, Ontario


Thomas James Hughes


Thomas, daddy, butch, Jim, James, Papa; whatever you called him there was love and respect behind it. He was a soft soul hidden behind a tough exterior. He had a good heart and for those he loved he would move the moon and stars just to make you smile. He never demanded anything but something about him commanded respect. He was an honest and hard worker who lived for his family. He leaves behind a wife; a gorgeous human being inside and out that he loved more than there are words in any vocabulary.  Three children; those time and space may separate they all stayed close in the heart.  He also leaves behind seven grandchildren; some he’s never met and some he knows all too well, but regardless of knowing them or not he loved them with a great passion. He also leaves behind four siblings who he would share great stories about until the early morning hours. There is extended family, friends, co-workers and the like that he would have loved to have had a few drinks with and catching up on old times. No matter near, far, distance of time he always would light up and jump right into the conversation like you had never been apart. Now he is joined with his mother and father, daughter and grandson; people he’s longed to visit. He’s smiling, causing a tiny bit of trouble and passing time until we can all meet like old times.

Always on our minds, forever in our hearts.


  1. When I am alone, I see you in the dark
    I talk into the empty like you were with me
    Started on a cold night, felt you in the low light
    Noticing a reflex taking over me
    I see you when I reach
    Muscle memory


  2. I have to admit that
    I am a Daddy's girl.
    He told me he loved better
    Than anything else in the world.

    When I became a woman
    He walked me down the isle,
    And gave me away
    With a bittersweet smile.

    And when I gave birth,
    He was there, too
    To greet my little Billy and say
    Papa will love you always.

    And now that man who loved me,
    And wrapped me in arms so strong
    Has gone where I can't reach him,
    touch him, smell him or hear his words of love
    and praise know matter what i did.

    But my love for him will live on forever

    Daddy I miss you more than words could says

    My heart has broken into a million piece the day I had to see you go.
    Mommy gave us a special gift that we get to wear of you around and close to are hearts forever.

    Thank you so much Mommy, it brings me so much comfort when
    I feel so lost and I cant believe Daddy has been taken from us.

    All I have to do is reach up and Daddy I feel your finger print and feel so close to you.
    I would prefer you but I will take comfort in knowing I have a piece of you with me everyday.

    Love always and forever

    Your baby girl


  3. To the Strongest Man I Ever Knew

    Hello Lord, It's time again for me to talk to you,
    Only this time Lord there's a favour, that I must ask you to do,
    You see Lord, there's a man, headed to eternity,
    Oh dear Lord, please watch over him for me

    You see Lord, he's the man, who taught me right from wrong,
    It was his love and understanding, that gave me the strength to go on,
    Now you've taken him away, to some place I can't be,
    Oh dear Lord, please watch over him for me,

    Please watch over him for me, protect him from all harm,
    Deliver him from evil, in your sweet loving arms,
    Sitting up there right beside you, I know is where he'll be,
    Oh dear Lord, please watch over him for me

    Oh Sweet Lord, Please Watch Over Him For Me

    1. Oh Greg
      Thank you so much. He is very proud that you reach out for him. He talked about you as the years have gone by. He loved you like one of his own. Love Sandy

  4. I'm so lost. I don't know how else to say it. I walk around and pretend like I'm the same; happy person. I hold everything in and try to take the burden of moving on for your wife. I'm trying to be strong for her and for everyone when really I want to lose my shit. I want to curl up in a ball and cry for days. I never let anyone see how lost I am which makes me scared you don't know how much I miss you. I cry myself to sleep every night wishing for anything, wishing for you, wishing for a sound, a visit, a dream. I just want to not be numb. I lost myself and I'm a shell of who I was before. I'll never be the same again. There is no switch to turn back on. I lost my heart the day you passed and there is no way of ever getting it back.

    You are my hero, you mean the world to me and I hope you don't watch me wondering why I don't seem to care. I do I really do, I just can't let anyone know just how deep the change is.

  5. you were my co-worker my friend you brought joy to my heart with your spirit and toughness,though we drifted apart your name was always brought up in conservations with your passion for the Montreal Canadiens your love of darts and your unwavering love and commitment to your family.You were always first to offer a helping hand sorry i didnt keep in touch but some day we will once again have a beer together and play a game of darts.So to you Doris and your family my deepest sympathies we lost one of the good ones Brian June 5 2015

  6. He always spoke of you Brian. He and I would sit on the couch and spoke for hours of you and antics he got into. He remembered you fondly despite period of time and contact. He's looking down and tipping his glass to you. Thank you for your kind words. From Amanda, his grand daughter.

  7. It's the first birthday you get to have with her in a long time. Do me a favor and dance with her for me. Fill her in on all that she wasn't able to be there in person for. Hug her extra tight so she can feel a hug from me. I miss you both, every single day. Love you.
